Design Process

We travel a lot with our cat, Goku. We have used several pet carriers before and were always looking for a better solution. Most of the backpacks available on the market are not very comfortable either for the person wearing it or the animal inside. Also, none of them has enough storage space, so we found ourselves always taking additional bags and one of us was carrying Goku and the other carried all our stuff.

We thought – why not create our own backpack that will meet our expectations? In the worst-case scenario, we will end-up with one-of-a-kind backpack prototype.

We took inspiration from photography backpacks and mountaineering backpacks. Even though we had no design experience, we learned how to do it and hired an experienced manufacturer to transform our 3D renders and sketches into a proper backpack. Together we made 3 prototypes to make our vision of the perfect adventure pet carrier a reality.



design process

Who are we?


I’m mainly responsible for the marketing side of the project. I’m a graphic designer and I created a logo and visual identity for Further Pet. I’m also creating posts for all our social media. Personally I love to travel, paint and draw.



Meow meow meooooow purr purr purrrrrrrrrrr

Translation here: I’m the reason for all the fuss. My humans adopted me from an animal shelter two years ago and seeing how curious and brave I am they wanted to take me out for adventures. I’m the head of the Testing and Comfort Departament. Humans say they created the backpack specifically for me but I think they did it for to get more money for my snacks. My hobbies are eating, sleeping and watching birds.


I’m the designer of the backpack. I work in IT industry and even though I had no previous design experience I decided I can do it. I created a 3D model and we hired an experienced backpack manufacturer to create a prototype. My passions are travelling, photography and videography.